Veterinary Services
Pet Surgery
Two Rivers Pet Hospital pet surgery services include spays, neuters, and general surgery.
Surgery in Great Falls

Veterinary Soft Tissue Surgery
This is any surgery not related to bones or joints. It can be routine elective procedures such as neuters and spays to much more complicated intra-abdominal surgeries. Our veterinary personnel does a careful evaluation that determines whether or not your pet requires soft tissue surgery. We strive to make your pet’s procedure as safe and comfortable as possible before, during, and after the surgery. Our veterinarian uses the safest and most effective anesthesia to manage your pet’s pain during soft tissue surgery. We will closely monitor your pet’s vitals throughout the process.

Spays and Neuters
Some owners are initially uncomfortable with the idea of taking away their pet’s ability to breed. However, spaying and neutering is not only a healthier option, but it also helps other animals stand a chance at adoption. Most unplanned pet pregnancies result in puppies or kittens whose owners are unwilling or unable to care for them. These animals usually end up in shelters or on the street as strays. In fact, the ASPCA estimates that approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. pet shelters each year. Sadly, a large number of these pets will never find a forever home. By preventing your pets from unexpectedly breeding, you can reduce the number of pets going into shelters, thereby increasing the odds of adoption for current shelter residents.
Male and female cats and dogs can all benefit in the long term from being spayed or neutered. Some of the health and behavioral issues eliminated by this procedure include decreased risk of different forms of cancer (such as mammary and testicular tumors), reduced aggressive behavior in males, and prevention of uterine infections in females.