Veterinary Services
Pet Diagnostics
At Two Rivers Pet Hospital we have on-site radiology, as well as other imagery services and an in-house medical laboratory. Offering these veterinary services on-site leads to a much faster diagnosis, so your pet can be given the proper treatment.
Diagnostics in Great Falls

Veterinary Radiology
The most common and useful tools for veterinary diagnostics are radiographs and X-rays. For our vets to give the correct treatment to an animal, they need an accurate diagnosis. Radiographs have the ability to show the pet’s bones and organs by penetrating the tissue using electromagnetic radiation. X-rays can be used to show fractured bones, heart problems, objects that have been swallowed, and many other things.
Digital radiographs offer some critical advantages:
- No harsh chemicals are required to develop the images. This reduces any possible harm to the environment and those in it.
- The images can be viewed on a computer immediately after being taken.
- The images are clear and detailed. A quicker and more accurate diagnosis can be made as the image can be manipulated so our vets can get a better view of the pet’s internal organs and bones.
- Digital images can be sent by email if a second opinion is needed.
- Your pet will be on the X-ray table for a much shorter amount of time as the image takes a lot less time to process.

Veterinary In-House Laboratory
When your pet is having surgery or is very ill, you will not need to wait for blood test results. Two Rivers Pet Hospital has an in-house laboratory capable of running complete blood work for your pet. Our lab can provide same-day results for blood and urine testing, so we can find out what’s wrong the same day you bring your pet in.
For more complex testing, we send blood, urine, and fecal samples out to our reference lab for their specialists to analyze. This ensures a thorough and detailed evaluation, and results can take about 24 hours.

Veterinary Ultrasound
An ultrasound is taken when we need to know more; they are a safe, painless, and non-invasive procedure. We require an ultrasound to evaluate the internal organs, which provides us with a real-time moving image that allows us to see things that an X-ray cannot.
It helps us to determine the size, shape, internal structure, tissue density, and more of your pet’s organs. It can also be used to diagnose pregnancy and identify tumors or masses.
The procedure does not require sedation and can take around twenty minutes to one hour. We should be able to get a diagnosis immediately from the ultrasound, which means treatment options can be discussed on the same day.